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Railways at the museum train track


In the Forssa region, there are several charter buss companies from whom to reserve a larger or smaller bus for group´s transportation within the Forssa region or for futher distances.

The region's only rail connection is to Humppila, from where there is a scheduled bus connection to Jokioinen and Forssa. The summer schedules of Jokioinen Museum Railway's museum trains are also connected to state railway trains at Humppila station.


Vorssan Pirssi - taxi services

Vorssan Pirssi - taxi services

Harjunkulmantie 43, 30100 Forssa
+358 (0)44 545 3548

Taxi services with over 40 years of experience around Forssa region.

Recreational trips to the workplace, cultural trips of associations and other rides can be done in a relaxed and safe way.
Vorssan Pirssi also specializes in care transports, disabled taxi and wheelchair transports and stretcher transports.

A larger car for eight passangers and cars for four or six passengers.
